Federación Española de Croquet

Federación Española de Croquet
Fundada en 1994

Miembro de la ECF desde 1995
Miembro de la WCF desde 1995

WCF GC and AC World Team Rankings (as at 1-1-2021)

WCF World Team Standings


Golf Croquet *   Association Croquet **


3rd GC WTC (Jan 2020-Oct 2021)



3rd AC WTC (April-July 2017)

Place Country   Place Country
1 New Zealand   1 Australia 
2 Egypt   2 England
3 England   3 New Zealand
4 USA   4 USA
5 Australia   5 Ireland
6 South Africa   6 Wales
7 Ireland   7 Scotland
8 Sweden   8 South Africa
9 to be held 2021   9 Spain
10 to be held 2021   10 Austria 
11 to be held 2021   11 Sweden
12 to be held 2021   12 Germany
13 to be held 2021   13 Canada
14 to be held 2021   14 Czech Republic
15 to be held 2021   15 Norway


2nd GC WTC (May 2016)



2nd AC WTC (May 2014)

Place Country   Place Country
1 New Zealand   1 New Zealand
2 Egypt   2 England
3 England   3 Australia
4 Ireland   4 USA
5 USA   5 Ireland
6 Sweden   6 Wales
7 South Africa   7 Soctland
8 Wales   8 Spain
9 Australia   9 South Africa
10 Spain   10 Austria
11 Latvia   11 Sweden
12 Germany   12 Germany
12 Belgium   13 Canada
14 Czech Republic   14 Czech Republic
15 Scotland   15 Norway
16 Switzerland   16 ----------
17 Norway   17 ----------
18 Russia   18 ----------
19 Portugal   19 ----------


1st GC WTC (December 2012)



1st AC WTC (August 2010)

Place Country   Place Country
1 Egypt   1 England
2 New Zealand   2 New Zealand
3 England   3 USA
4 USA   4 Australia
5 South Africa   5 Wales
6 Ireland   6 South Africa
7 Wales   7 Scotland
8 Sweden   8 Jersey
9 Australia   9 Ireland
10 Belgium   10 Spain
11 Czech Republic   11 Czech Republic
12 Norway   12 Canada
13 Germany   13 Japan
14 Scotland   14 Sweden
15 Spain   15 Germany
16 Latvia   16 Belgium
17 ----------   17 Norway

* The GC Country Rank Order following the last GC World Team Championchip (GC WTC)

** The AC Country Rank Orden following the last AC World Team Championship (AC WTC)


The MacRobertson Shield (since 1925) *

or AC World Team Championship Tier 1 (since 2010) **


Edition Year Winner Second Third Fourth Venue
24th 2025 (Jul/Aug) pending pending pending pending England
23rd 2022 (Nov) pending pending pending pending Australia
22nd 2017 Australia England New Zealand USA USA
21st 2013/2014 New Zealand England Australia USA New Zealand
20th 2010 Great Britain New Zealand USA Australia Great Britain
19th 2006 Great Britain Australia USA New Zealand Australia
18th 2003 Great Britain Australia USA New Zealand USA
17th 2000 Great Britain New Zealand USA Australia New Zealand
16th 1996 Great Britain New Zealand Australia USA Great Britain
15th 1993 Great Britain New Zealand Australia USA Australia
14th 1990 Great Britain New Zealand Australia -------- New Zealand
13th 1986 New Zealand Great Britain Australia -------- Great Britain
12th 1982 Great Britain Australia New Zealand -------- Australia
11th 1979 New Zealand Great Britain Australia -------- New Zealand
10th 1974 Great Britain New Zealand Australia -------- Great Britain
9th 1969 England New Zealand Australia -------- Australia
8th 1963 England Australia New Zealand -------- New Zealand
7th 1956 England New Zealand -------- -------- England
6th 1950/1951 New Zealand England -------- -------- New Zealand
5th 1937 England Australia -------- -------- England
4th 1935 Australia England New Zealand -------- Australia
3rd 1930 Australia New Zealand -------- -------- Australia
2nd 1927/1928 Australia England -------- -------- Australia
1st 1925 England Australia -------- -------- --------

* The MacRobertson Shield Test Match Series was inaugurated in 1925, sixty-four years before the World Croquet Federation was established in 1989. The "Mac", as it is known to croquet players, was initially for competition between teams representing England and Australia. New Zealand was admitted in 1930 and the United States of America in 1993. England changed to Great Britain in 1974 to accommodate players from other parts of the UK. However, the team always consisted mainly of English players and the name reverted to England in 2014.


** The Association Croquet World Team Championship was established in 2010 to extend the opportunities for team competition to other countries. The Mac immediately became Tier 1 and the flagship of the new championship.


Últimas Noticias

II Liga Europea de Clubs de Croquet.
Por su interés reproducimos el correo que el Club de Campo El Tiro ha remitido a la FEC en relación con la experiencia vivida en dicha competición.

Nota. Los participantes en las actividades organizadas por la Federación Española de Croquet (FEC) aceptan, salvo que hayan manifestado o manifiesten lo contrario por escrito, la publicación de su nombre e imágenes en los listados de dichas actividades, así como en los medios de comunicación, internet, página web y medios de difusión en lo relacionado con esas actividades. Asimismo, dan su consentimiento para que la FEC pueda enviarles mensajes referidos al croquet mediante cualquier sistema informático, salvo que se expresen en contrario.


Aviso de confidencialidad y privacidad. En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento 2016/679 y la Ley 3/2018 de Protección de Datos personales informamos que todos los datos de carácter personal de los que disponga la FEC serán tratados exclusivamente por la FEC. Por ello, el contenido de los correos y sus posibles adjuntos tienen carácter estrictamente personal y confidencial y sólo se destinarán a quienes vaya dirigido el correo.




Copyright ©: Federación Española de Croquet (1994-2024)