Federación Española de Croquet

Federación Española de Croquet
Fundada en 1994

Miembro de la ECF desde 1995
Miembro de la WCF desde 1995

La Latvian Croquet Federation convoca el Open del Báltico

La Federación Letona de Croquet convoca el 13th GC Baltic Open Championship.


La Latvian Croquet Federation convoca el 13th GC Baltic Open Championshipque se celebrará del 30 de agosto al 1 de septiembre de 2024 en el Ikskile Croquet Club, que cuenta con tres campos reglamentarios y que se encuentra a 30 Km de Riga, y en el Sigulda Croquet Club, como club secundario de apoyo. A continuación se incluye la carta de invitación personal del Presidente de la Latvian Croquet Federation, Mr. Roberts Stafeckis, y a renglón seguido las condiciones, normas y demás detalles de la convocatoria, para conocimiento de los jugadores españoles que pudieran estar interesados en participar en esta competición.


Dear croquet friends,

Dear croquet friends,

Happy new year to all of you!. I am happy to inform you that Latvia will host two exciting international open GC events in 2024. First of all, it is the traditional 13th GC Baltic Open Singles Event, as always on the first weekend of September, this year August 30/September 1. In 2023, we had 24 players, among them 15 foreign players, and 9 players with DGrades over 2000. As always, it will take place in our two clubs, in Ikskile and Sigulda. And for the first time ever, the Ikskile club will host an international GC mixed doubles event, scheduled for June 21-23. The goal is to provide a balance between competitive croquet and lots of fun besides the lawns. Around that time of the year, there are over 18 hours of sunlight, and it hardly gets dark during the night. Let us experience the longest days of the year together! Do not worry if you are alone without a partner, send us an email and we will try to find you the best teammate. I attach the relevant pdf files, as well as a clip-out from the Croquet Gazette about Stephen Mulliner's experience at our club in Ikskile in 2022. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Looking forward to a wonderful croquet year ahead, Best regards.
Roberts Stafeckis

2024, January 1st

Roberts Stafeckis
Latvian Croquet Federation, President
2021, April 20



13th GC Baltic Open Tournament 2024 GC Croquet

August 30th-September 1st 2024 Latvia


The Baltic Open GC Croquet Tournament takes place for 13th consecutive year, and is organised by the Latvian Croquet Federation (www.latvijaskrokets.lv). It will take place at the Ikskile Croquet Club (main venue), with three full size lawns on a river shore, and at a satellite venue in Sigulda with one perfect full size lawn.


• Participation limited to a maximum of 24 players

• 4 blocks of six, followed by a knock-out stage and Plate

• Double banking, apart from finals

• Sunshiny CQ-16 balls

• Tournament Director – Roberts Stafeckis

• Tournament Referee – Viktors Harlinskis (Southwick Croquet Academy certificate)

• Entries and inquiries – latvijaskrokets@gmail.com or whatsapp +37126492211 (Roberts Stafeckis)

• Deadline for entries – May 1st

Fees and prices per player

* Entry fee - 70 EUR, includes courtside beverages

* Price of meals - will be announced later

Programme of the tournament

* Thursday, August 29th: arrival of the players, lawns available for practice from 17:00, players briefing and opening ceremony at 19:00 at the Ikskile Croquet Club.

* Friday, August 30th from 9:00: block play (one block plays in Sigulda), optional night croquet under floodlights.

* Saturday, August 31st from 9:00: play-offs, knock-out (in Ikskile) and plate (in Sigulda), tournament dinner at a local restaurant in Ikskile Sunday.

* September 1st from 9:00: semifinals, finals and consolation finals (all in Ikskile), winners award ceremony at the Ikskile club, informal farewell cocktail at the Ikskile Croquet Club, departure (around 17:00).


• Latvia reserves 8 places for the players that organize the tournament.

• Deadline for entries: May 1st, entries received by May 1st will be accepted as follows: the highest ranked player from each country that has applied in descending order by WCF world ranking DGrade as of May 1st, then the second highest ranked player from each country will be accepted in descending order and so on; this will ensure that all countries that are interested in participating have the ability to send roughly the same number of players.

• Latvian and international players can continue to apply for any remaining places from May 1st onwards. Applications will be accepted in order received. Deadline for any remaining places is on August 20, even if the event is not full, to allow time for adjusting the format.


www.spadrops.lv – local accomodation

www.brandins.lv – local restaurant

www.ikskile.lv/en/tourism -local tourist guide. 


Roberts Stafeckis

2024, January 1st


La Latvian Croquet Federation convoca el Open del Báltico

Nota. Los participantes en las actividades organizadas por la Federación Española de Croquet (FEC) aceptan, salvo que hayan manifestado o manifiesten lo contrario por escrito, la publicación de su nombre e imágenes en los listados de dichas actividades, así como en los medios de comunicación, internet, página web y medios de difusión en lo relacionado con esas actividades. Asimismo, dan su consentimiento para que la FEC pueda enviarles mensajes referidos al croquet mediante cualquier sistema informático, salvo que se expresen en contrario.


Aviso de confidencialidad y privacidad. En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento 2016/679 y la Ley 3/2018 de Protección de Datos personales informamos que todos los datos de carácter personal de los que disponga la FEC serán tratados exclusivamente por la FEC. Por ello, el contenido de los correos y sus posibles adjuntos tienen carácter estrictamente personal y confidencial y sólo se destinarán a quienes vaya dirigido el correo.




Copyright ©: Federación Española de Croquet (1994-2024)