Federación Española de Croquet

Federación Española de Croquet
Fundada en 1994

Miembro de la ECF desde 1995
Miembro de la WCF desde 1995

Suiza convoca el XI Open de Croquet GC y el XX de Croquet AC

La Asociación Suiza de Croquet ha convocado ambos campeonatos, que se celebrarán del 12 al 14 de julio y del 2 al 4 de agosto, respectivamente.


La Swiss Croquet Association (Association Suisse de Croquet) acaba de convocar el 11th Swiss GC Open Tournament y el 20th Swiss AC Open Torunament,  que se celebrarán del 12 al 14 de julio y del 2 al 4 de agosto de 2024, respectivamente, en el CERN Croquet Club de Ginebra, que cuenta con dos campos reglamentarios. A continuación se reseñan las condiciones, normas y demás detalles de la convocatoria, para conocimiento de los jugadores españoles que pudieran estar interesados en participar en cualquiera de estas dos competiciones.


11th Swiss GC Open Tournament 2024

2024, 12-14 July

Holder: Peter Filbee (New Zealand).

You are cordially invited to the Swiss Golf Croquet Open to be held at CERN Croquet Club, near Geneva, Switzerland, on 12th through 14th July 2024.

Inscriptions will be taken on a first come, first served basis, with twelve places being reserved for Swiss participants and twelve for visitors. With three days, and two lawns, the field will be limited to 24 participants. For those available, play will start at 9 am on Friday 12th July. All participants are expected to be available from lunchtime on the Friday.

- Manager: Peter Payne (Switzerland)
- Referee of Tournament: TBA
- Two full size lawns
- Four blocks of 6 players (single games) with the top two from each block qualifying for the best-of three knock-out.
- Optional plate event for those not qualified for the knock-out
- Optional shield for losing quarterfinalists
- Double banking throughout (except finals)
- Time limits of one hour will be imposed on all block and plate games
- Original Dawson balls / Terminator Quadway hoops
- Entry fee: CHF 50 (to include a sandwich lunch on the Friday and lunches on the other two days, as well as water, coffee and tea throughout), payable on arrival
- Optional tournament dinner: Saturday, 13th July (not included in the entry fee)
- Drinks will be available for purchase from the bar throughout the event.

Inscriptions should be sent to tournament secretary, Peter Payne (peter@paynes.ch) as soon as possible. Please provide your name as it is found in the WCF GC ranking list. The initial deadline for entries is Sunday, 14th April. Any places still available after that date will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, as will any places that become available later due to withdrawals. A waiting list will be maintained.

The croquet lawns are located inside CERN which has restricted access. For those who do not already have a valid access card, could they please contact Joel Davies (joel.murray.davies@cern.ch) at least a week before arrival.

For all questions concerning accommodation or transport needs, please contact Dave Underhill (davidjackunderhill@gmail.com) who will be delighted to help you. Hotels are available on both the Swiss and the French side of the border, the CERN lawns being found on the French side. Note that CERN visits may be possible to arrange if the request is received in good time. We look forward to welcoming you to Switzerland and to the CERN Croquet Club this summer.


20th Swiss AC Open Tournament 2024

2024, 2-4 August

Holder: Peter Payne (Switzerland).

You are cordially invited to the Swiss Association Croquet Open to be held at CERN Croquet Club, near Geneva, Switzerland, on 2 nd through 4 th August 2024.

Inscriptions will be taken on a first come, first served basis, with four places being reserved for Swiss participants. With three days, and two lawns, we are initially limiting the field to 10 participants. In the event of over-subscription, it may be possible to expand the event to 12 participants, with matches commencing on Thursday, 1 st August for those available. This will only happen if enough participants are available on the earlier starting day.

- Manager: E. John Davis (England)

- Referee of Tournament: TBA

- Two full size lawns

- Blocks followed by best-of-three knock-out

- Optional plate event for those not qualified for the knock-out

- Double banking throughout (except final)

- Time limits may be imposed at the discretion of the Manager

- Original Dawson balls / Terminator Quadway hoops

- Entry fee: CHF 60 (to include lunches and water, coffee and tea on the three days), payable upon arrival

- Optional tournament dinner: Saturday, 3rd August (not included in the entry fee).

- Drinks will be available for purchase from the bar throughout the event.

Inscriptions should be sent to tournament secretary, Peter Payne (peter@paynes.ch) as soon as possible. Please provide your name as it is found in the WCF AC ranking list. The initial deadline for entries is Sunday, 5 th May after which a decision will be taken on whether it is feasible to extend the tournament to a fourth day.

The croquet lawns are located inside CERN which has restricted access. For those who do not already have a valid access card, could they please contact Joel Davies (joel.murray.davies@cern.ch) at least a week before arrival.

For all questions concerning accommodation or transport needs, please contact Dave Underhill (davidjackunderhill@gmail.com) who will be delighted to help you. Hotels are available on both the Swiss and the French side of the border, the CERN lawns being found on the French side. Note that CERN visits may be possible to arrange if the request is received in good time. We look forward to welcoming you to Switzerland and to the CERN Croquet Club this summer.


Suiza convoca el XI Open de Croquet GC y el XX de Croquet AC

Nota. Los participantes en las actividades organizadas por la Federación Española de Croquet (FEC) aceptan, salvo que hayan manifestado o manifiesten lo contrario por escrito, la publicación de su nombre e imágenes en los listados de dichas actividades, así como en los medios de comunicación, internet, página web y medios de difusión en lo relacionado con esas actividades. Asimismo, dan su consentimiento para que la FEC pueda enviarles mensajes referidos al croquet mediante cualquier sistema informático, salvo que se expresen en contrario.


Aviso de confidencialidad y privacidad. En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento 2016/679 y la Ley 3/2018 de Protección de Datos personales informamos que todos los datos de carácter personal de los que disponga la FEC serán tratados exclusivamente por la FEC. Por ello, el contenido de los correos y sus posibles adjuntos tienen carácter estrictamente personal y confidencial y sólo se destinarán a quienes vaya dirigido el correo.




Copyright ©: Federación Española de Croquet (1994-2024)